Carbonitalia is committed to guaranteeing quality products in complete safety for our Customers by attaining the certification necessary for the Company's continual improvement.

Quality policy

View the certificate

Carbonitalia has implemented a quality management system which is applied to the following activities:

  • design, production, sales and marketing of activated carbon, bleaching earth and its blends, mainly for the food and environmental sectors;
  • waste intermediation without detention (cat. 8 class F).

The Company aims to maintain and strengthen its position in these sectors through its constant commitment to increase the level of customer satisfaction and strive for continual improvement, as well as consider internal and external factors that may influence its ability to achieve this undertaking.

Within this framework, Carbonitalia is oriented towards the following overall objectives:

  • apply the quality management system as an organizational model for our continued growth and pursuit of Company objectives;
  • foster the continual improvement of relationships with customers, suppliers and employees;
  • guarantee products and services that fully meet contract requirements and customer needs;
  • build relationships with customers which are characterized by the fullest cooperation possible, by always seeking to propose appropriate solutions and to understand any implicit needs;
  • establish relationships with suppliers which promote cooperation in improving product quality and meeting delivery deadlines;
  • evaluate risks and seize opportunities in the environment where we work.

In order to attain these objectives, Carbonitalia is committed to carrying out the business strategies listed below:

  • maintain a quality management system in conformance with the UNI EN ISO 9001 standard, which guarantees customer satisfaction and the fulfillment of defined requirements, and at the same time favors the rationalization and continual improvement of business process management, also through specific monitoring and evaluation activities, with attention to risks and opportunities in the environment where we work;
  • maintain and meet the requirements for the production and marketing of products that comply with Halal and Kosher standards;
  • identify and qualify suppliers with whom we can develop trusting and cooperative relationships, so as to guarantee systematic compliance with quality requirements;
  • establish relationships of greater trust with clients in order to facilitate the collection of feedback and consequently implement studies aimed at product improvement;
  • ensure the continuity of supply to the customer;
  • maintain up-to-date operations activities through the use of efficient equipment;
  • raise awareness at Carbonitalia of business objectives and quality instruments through education and training, thus encouraging employees to actively participate in problem-solving in their relative fields;
  • spread this quality policy to all interested parties, including through publication on the Company website.

The Managing Director is committed to executing the present policy without delay, as well as using dedicated resources for that purpose. In order to guarantee its continued appropriateness and effectiveness, the quality policy shall be subject to periodic reexamination. The general outline of the policy shall be communicated to and shared with all personnel.

Food Safety Policy

View the certificate

Carbonitalia produces and markets activated carbon for the protection and depuration of the environment and the purification of foodstuffs, chemicals and pharmaceuticals across the European Union and in the Mediterranean region. In addition, the Company markets active earth, specifically for the bleaching and purification of food oils and mineral oils, and diatomaceous earth and other materials suitable for the filtration and purification of liquids.

Operations have been underway since April 2007 at the La Spezia site, which has a new plant designed using innovative technologies for mixing, packaging and loading tank trucks with filtration materials. It has allowed us to optimize service to customers while following quality and safety standards. Carbonitalia has always pursued its own objectives by producing products which are safe in terms of hygiene and health, as they are prepared in compliance with both compulsory and non-compulsory regulations and with specific customer needs. The Company has a positive "food security" culture and is aware that it can be achieved and maintained only by following operations procedures which are developed through risk analysis, employee training, and good hygiene practices.

Our business objectives are as follows:

  • improve the Company image in terms of safety of products offered, and thereby maintain and expand our market share with the aim of increasing customer trust and loyalty;
  • further consolidate our presence on the market through responsible investment planning;
  • guarantee that our products and business are in conformance with all compulsory and non-compulsory regulations, as well as customer specifications.

The Company is committed to:

  • maintain and improve suitable structural conditions of premises and equipment in conformance with current regulations;
  • guarantee a level of safety and hygiene appropriate to customer use and expectations;
  • maintain and increase the skills and involvement of personnel, as well as clearly define job responsibilities and tasks;
  • maintain and improve relationships with suppliers in order to maintain control of the whole supply chain;
  • raise personnel awareness about maintaining structural and production conditions so as not to expose products to potential risks of contamination;
  • establish and comply with operations, management and control procedures appropriate to the organization and its objectives;
  • ensure that the present policy is circulated, understood and shared at every business level, as well as explained to customers, suppliers and interested third parties throughout the related sector;
  • make collected food safety information available both within the Company and throughout the agri-food sector;
  • make adequate resources (manpower, technology and infrastructure) available for planned investments.

The present food safety policy, stated objectives and commitments shall be reexamined at least annually, in order to verify that they still correspond to the aims of the organization. Annually, the Company's senior management, with the support of Company trade union representatives, shall plan and verify measures to improve the performance of stated objectives.


View emissions authorization

Carbonitalia is authorized for atmospheric emissions by the Province of La Spezia under Resolution no. 217 dated 03/12/2007. The Company is required to keep emissions within the following limits:

  • dust concentration levels of 50 mg/Nm³

The atmospheric emissions are related exclusively to the mixing plant, which is equipped with localized exhaust systems for keeping the work environment as free from dust as possible. The exhaust systems are channeled into a filtering section comprised of 192 bag filters. Due to its precautionary oversizing, this plant configuration is especially efficient, as it allows for keeping emission levels well below the imposed limits.

The filtering section undergoes ordinary periodic maintenance. It is also constantly monitored with a pressure sensor which detects any malfunctions, thus allowing for immediate intervention in order to restore optimal operating conditions.

The updated history of annual self-monitoring results is as follows:

Reference year Measured value
Limit value
2012 0,45 50
2013 1,85 50
2014 0,63 50
2015 1,05 50
2016 0,75 50
2017 1,09 50
2018 0,03 50
2019 0,04 50
2020 0,38 50
2021 1,14 50
2022 0,04 50
2023 1,00 50


Carbonitalia aims to continually improve product quality and safety by constantly reducing the environmental impact of our production processes, which is attained by promoting the ECO-SUSTAINABILITY of the latter, and also thanks to the following certification:

  • UNI EN ISO 9001:2015,
  • UNI EN ISO 14001:2015,
  • UNI EN ISO 22000:2005.

In this regard, Carbonitalia aims to reduce the consumption of resources used in our activities/processes by literally applying the principle of ECO-SUSTAINABILITY, such that the next generation will have the same amount of resources as the previous generation.

100% Eco-sustainable Products

The Activated Carbons produced by Carbonitalia, in collaboration with the Chinese Company Yuanli Active Carbon L.t.d., are GREEN products derived 100% from PLANT MATTER and raw materials which are ECO-SUSTAINABLE.

Both nut shells and wood are raw materials used for producing Activated Carbon. They are obtained without impacting the environment, through adherence to a policy of protecting and safeguarding the forests surrounding the different production sites. Yuanli Active Carbon L.t.d. , in fact, has an agreement with the Chinese government which allows for the controlled cutting and replanting of trees, which consequently bring about the renewal of the forest ecosystem.

Thanks to this green supply chain, our Activated Carbon is 100% NATURAL, ECO-SUSTAINABLE and in line with current measures safeguarding and protecting the environment.

Our Activated Carbon is activated through the use of 100% FOOD GRADE phosphoric acid, which is purified and reutilized after each production cycle, such that its impact on the environment and water resources is reduced to a minimum.

Pure and safe products

Our Activated Carbon is characterized by a very high level of purity, due to the specific type of activation and raw materials used, as well as by a very high active surface, which makes it ideal for treating, purifying and bleaching materials derived from the Chemical, Food and Pharmaceutical industries.

Moreover, all of our finished products satisfy the regulations of the consortium, REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals), of which Carbonitalia is a member.

Sustainable resources

Our technical staff is continually searching for sustainable solutions for our entire production process.

To further reduce environmental impact and the production of energy from non-renewable sources, all our production plants are energy autonomous as they utilize secondary raw materials for fuel. Given this cycle, the production of waste is minimized by applying the principle of recovery and recycling.

Great attention is given to CO2 emissions and protection of the atmosphere, as all plants are equipped with CO2 abatement systems; for the production of 1 kg of Eco-sustainable Activated Carbon only 0.77 kg of CO2 is emitted into the atmosphere, as compared to the 5.1 kg which is released in order to generate 1 kg of standard Activated Carbon.

certificazione 9001:2015 certificazione 14001:2015 certificazione 22000:2005

  • Registered Office: Scali D'Azeglio 32 - 57123 Livorno (LI) - Tel: +39 0586 27333 Fax: +39 0586 273370
  • Plant and Warehouse: Via Giuseppe Bertarelli 1 - 19020 Vezzano Ligure (SP) - Tel: +39 0187 991007 Fax: +39 0187 991203